Nathaniel is our first batch of Bachelor of Arts graduates from our Liberia School of Ministries in 2022, when he served as a worship leader at Grace Christian Fellowship Church (GCFC). After completing the program, the Lord called him to be a missionary. He is now evangelizing to the people in Sierra Leone, who went through devastated civil war and the ruinous impact continues to be felt. His beautiful daughter is now one of the worship leaders at GCFC. Just image one day she will join the program too!
The incredible journey of River Mission Elementary School began with the visionary teacher sponsorship launched in 2018, a crucial initiative that has not only sustained the school but has also seen its student population nearly double. Among them is the remarkable Janet, who despite facing the profound challenges of limited mobility and the tragic loss of her parents to the Ebola disease, has emerged as a beacon of hope and tenacity. In the summer of 2025, she celebrated her graduation from River Mission School and is set to continue her educational journey to high school at Grace Mission School , under the compassionate guidance of Pastor Nelson Quaye.
This family of three kids came to our meeting at Good Samaritan Church in Holguin Cuba. After the meeting, we were told the whole family was down with high fever. Pastor Alex without hesitation brought out the children Tylenol we gave the church. Our translator Elizabeth taught them how to take the medicine. We were able to pray with the family for God's complete healing. People told medicine is as scarce as gold to them as they are simply not available.
It was 3 years ago Pastor John, our partner in Nigeria shared with us his heart for the inmates. Since then, your support has allowed him to reach 300 inmates in 2 prisons each year. During his last visit. he was able to minister and share the gospel. 15 inmates gave their lives o Jesus. His word has set the captive free! Hallelujah!
Alana passed by our Canada Vancouver Downtown Eastside outreach and asked to meet us for coffee. She told us she has seen our team over the years praying for people. By the grace of God, Alana was fully set free from drug & alcohol 6 years ago, so she totally understood the struggles of those bounded that only Jesus can deliver. Though her situation is still difficult, she chose to give Will Go an offering and even wrote her testimony for us to share here.